Friday, April 20, 2012


Lately I've been in a social media/blogging funk. I think I have all of 2 posts on this blog. So much has been going on since the first of the year with birthday parties, our trip to Disney World, my sister moving back from Singapore, etc. that I didn't even know where to start. So, I'm just jumping back in and starting fresh.

For so long, my blogging has just been about the girls. The whole reason for starting this blog was to give me a place that wasn't just our families looking for new pictures of the girls. But, I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that I can write anything. On my old blog, I wrote one post about "old people" at the grocery store, and Kurt's grandparents called him within 20 min of me posting it telling him it was offensive. Sigh! I'm not striving for controversial on this blog, but I do want to post about what I want!

Since I do love pictures on people's blogs, I want to post some pictures of my girls on Easter. I'm just a couple of weeks late, right??

This is the girls before church (the only decent on of about 100)

The family after church

Amelia and I before egg hunting (I could have used some powder) :)

Ava hunting

Audrey found an egg!

Oh, sweet Amelia

Look who is walking!

I have a lot more pictures of the egg hunt at my house with my nephews, but I'll post them another time.

I'm going to try to make this blog a priority. Raising three small kids isn't easy, and I need a place for me. Even if no one ever reads it. :)


  1. I'm reading it! You've got some funny stuff you can share here that you don't want to share on your other one. :-)

  2. I just found your,blog but I love it! I seem to have the same problem, just being me is somehow offensive. :) Your girls are adorable! I will be having #5 next month, my third girl. Girls are soooo precious!! Love their names, too!


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